GLN English Club 10th April Activities

2h30 – 2h40 : Introduction
The new members will introduce themselves. If there are no new members, everybody can talk about the last meeting.
2h40 – 3h10 : A ctivity 1

The game will be played with the first person, volunteer or the leader have to choose randomly. Player has chance to see all member’s faces. Player have to describe about one of them (don’t allow to see again).
Other people can ask player any questions in form “does she/he has/is ....” Player can only answer yes or no. Other people guess about who the player is talking. But they have 1 chance only to guess.

If the guess is :
Right: The person had been talked will be the next player
Wrong: The person guessed will be the next player
• The game will play within 30 minutes.

3h10 – 3h55: Activity 2
Leader will say a starting sentence. The next person has to think and say another sentence has reasonable meaning and deal with the sentence before. If player can’t make a sentence, we will skip this person and continue with the next one. There are lots of punishments for that kind of players. The game finish when there is nobody left.
• The game can play 3 times with 3 different sentences.
1 sentence nearly = 15 minutes
3 sentences x 15 = 45 minutes

3h55 : 5 minutes break
4h00 – 4h30: Activity 3
Club will be divided into 2 teams : A and B
Leader will choose a letter.
Each team have to find many verbs started with the chosen letter. The verb must be an action people can do. Then , the team have to say : A + Verb + B or B + Verb + A
Team can’t find possible word will lose.
• Can play many times with different letters.

4h30 – 5h00: Activity 4
Club will be divided into 2 teams sit in opposite site. Site A and B.
Player in site A (player A) will be given a picture and player in site B (player B) will be given a blank paper and a pencil. Player A will describe the pictures and player B will draw it in their paper. The winner is the quickest person with the correct picture.
• Player A can only say, not to use hands, player B can only draw, not to ask .
• The game can play again by changing position.

5h00 – 5h30 : Introducing about New Zealand of Teacher Dave.
It’s the end of the meeting. Members will sing a popular song by English.

The class leader for the next week is also chosen.

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