[ GLN EC Saturday ] Topic 20/4: Traveling

Up to now, the weather is gradually changing during four seasons in a year. There is a vast number of young people as well as big families decide to get lots of plans for traveling in the next summer. However, whatever did you feel satisfied with enjoying that holiday? And what would you prepare to have a perfect journey and avoid some incidents? Come and share with us your experiences about this topic on 20th April 2013.
2:30 pm, Saturday, 20th  hApril 2013
10th Floor, Keangnam Office Building, Pham Hung Str, TuLiemDist, Hanoi .

2:30- 2:45: Breaking the ice
·         Making friends with others
2:45- 3:30: Discussing in pairs
·         What kinds of traveling did you take part in? Where? And what the most things did you learn from each place?
·         Do you like to travel in your holidays or free time? Why?
·         Do you think holidays are becoming more and more important?
·         How did the most impressive place affect you to everyday life after that?
·         Can you tell us about a tiring travel where you felt disappointed about ( Eg: poor preparation, bad weather, suddenly  ill health and so on)?
3:30 – 3:45: Playing games
3:45- 4:30: Working in groups
Imagine that you are to travel on business, but it’s the first time you have gone abroad. However, the flight has some troubles of hitting some turbulence without advance warning, and so many passengers would be out of their seats when the plane starts dropping violently. What would you do in the next step to avoid scream and panic? Play a funny drama.

Turbulence : sudden and violent changes in wind direction.

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