In a survey, Google Inc. has revealed that “sex” is the key word that Vietnamese people type most in the searching box of Google Homepage. When somebody hears it for the first time, they might think that “Vietnamese citizens have a lot of understanding of sex for sure”. But paradoxically, our citizens’ knowledge of sex is truly restricted because the information related to sexual issues that they have been searching for on the Internet is not instructive and unscientific. In fact, most of Vietnamese youngsters misunderstand safe sex and the number of terminations in our country has been increasing dramatically. This proves that sex education is really problematic in Vietnam and improving it is more acute than ever. Let’s come and join us on this Saturday afternoon and have your own say about the topic.
Saturday, November 30th 2013
10th Floor, Keangnam Landmark 72, Pham Hung Str, Tu Liem, Hanoi
2:30 – 3:00 Breaking the ice
Making friends with others
3:00 – 4:00 Discussing in groups
1. Where do you get information about sexual issues? Do you think that you have firm knowledge of those?
2. What is your definition of sex education? How is it important with societies and especially with children and teenagers?
3. How is about sex education in Vietnam? What do the old and the young think about it?
4. The fact has shown that Vietnam is one of the countries having the highest rates of abortions and Vietnamese youngster’s understanding of sex is very limited. What should schools and our society do to enhance sex education?
4:00 – 4:20 Playing a game
4:20 – 5:00 Playing dramas
A man whose wife was dead raises his daughter. Time flies until a day the girl turns 13 and she realizes changes of the inside and outside of her body. She reaches her puberty and she feels upset and freaked out because of these changes so she asks her father to explain them for her and give her the right instructions. How can the father do in the situation? Work in your groups and then play your own dramas to express the ideas of your groups.