[GLN EC Saturday] Topic 16/11: PORNOGRAPHY

Formerly known only in form of video tapes over a decade ago in Vienam, pornography has become increasingly popular due to the advent and tremendous widespread use of the Internet. Despite its obvious social awareness, pornography is generally regarded as a taboo subject in many Asian countries.  But since porn existed a long time ago and the disappearance of porn is unthinkable as the sex industry is still making huge profit in all forms of media, it all boils down to question of how to live with porn and its related problems.  The meeting this week will try to address this question and hopefully, bring the general consensus among men and women, especially women’s empathy with men’s tendency to porn.


                                                        Saturday, November16th 2013
                              10th  Floor, Keangnam Landmark 72, Pham Hung Str, Tu Liem, Hanoi

2:30 – 3:00 Breaking the ice 
  • Making friends with others
3:00 – 4:00 Discussing
  1. What is your interpretation of pornography? How do you know porn?
  2. If you have ever watched porn, what were your feelings after experiencing it for the first time or possibly afterwards?
  3. What are harmful social, psychological effects of porn on people?  Do you think there are any positive ones? If yes, then what are they?
  4. Why do men watch porn more often than women do? What are our advices for heavy porn users to stay away from it?
4:00 – 4:20 Playing games

4:20 – 5:00 Working in groups
  • This part’s details will be revealed in the Saturday meeting
5:00 – 5:30 Free talk

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