[GLN EC NTD] Topic 24/11: Online Education

Undeniably, living in such a modern society could enable us to obtain numerous things at the same time thanks to cutting - edge technology. What is more, we human are required to be more educated and talented in order to catch up with the pace of life. Those reasons lead to the popularity of online education. Have you ever taken part in any online courses? What could you benefit from them? Let’s come and share with us your experiences and feelings about e – learning on 24th November 2012 to see a stimulating meeting ever!


                                       Online Education
                                    Saturday, 24th November 2012
                No 12, Lane 8, Nguyen Thi Dinh Str, Trung Hoa Ward, Cau Giay

2:30 – 3:00 Breaking the ice
§  Introduce about yourself

3:00 – 3:20 Warming up
§  Play a fancy game

3:20 – 4: 20 Discussing in pairs
§  1. Have you ever taken any online courses/degrees? What is online education in your mind?
§  2. What are pros and cons of e –learning?
§  3. Why do quite a few people still prefer traditional learning method?
§  4. What should we do to ensure the online education quality? (i.e learners, course providers)

4:20 – 4:30 Watching a video

4: 30 – 5:00 Discussing in groups
§  Some people say that if we could maximize the benefits from online education, it could replace the traditional learning method. Are you for or against that statement? Discuss with your group mates.

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